Saturday, 5 June 2010

May 2010 BBQ

Our first ever ever 2010 BBQ on 19/5/2010 a month late compared to last year. The boys came late only after the sun disappered behind the cloud but luckly no rain

As Aimi & Anis missed our first BBQ as both of them busy with exam, we had our 2nd BBQ just for them. Ashraf & Zaffran tag along, boys when there were foods, they will come.

Aimi & nasi lemak


Zaffran & Strawberry

Big, fat and sweet strawberry - Aimi & Anis bought at M&S


Aimi volunteer to take a dip in the river to get some water to douse the BBQ amber

Time to go home, all packed. Everybody happy as it was warm and we had a very cosy afternoon

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