The services was slow, took about an hour for all or dishes to arrived. Halim order nasi ayam with roasted chicken, the dishes arrives after 20 minutes but very dissipointed as he found that the chicked breast not really roasted. After 10 minutes later Ashraf's mee goreng arrived than another 15 minutes after that my char kueh tiaw arrived, lo and behold there were mushroom peaking from my char kueh tiaw (first time ever I see mushroom in char kueh tiaw - I 'm allergic to mushroom). I end up changing the plate with Ashraf. We did order gado-gado but its never came. Our waiter was sweet boy, he tried to track down our gado-gado and end up being lock out from the kitchen. We asked for the bill and end up with free dessert for each of us for missing the gado-gado. Sorry I forget to take the food photos as I was so hungry.

Wake up late on saturday, Halim called asking either I wan't to go out shopping. Of course I said yes. We reached Windsor around 3.15pm and by 4 pm, it was already dark.

Dear Pelangi Indah
Thank you for highlighting your recent visit to Jom Makan at Westfield Centre, London in your blog.
As a customer-focused restaurant, Jom Makan is committed to continuously improving our service and any feedback from our customers is appreciated. Jom Makan realises that despite our best effort to ensure our service delivery is consistently above the mark, there are still pockets for improvement that we must continue to address. We are therefore grateful for the comments you raised. They are very much appreciated.
Managing Director Mohd Zuhri Abdullah and I are now currently in London and would welcome meeting with you on Thursday 10 December 2009 at Jom Makan in Westfiled Centre for lunch at 12.30 pm. If this is possible, please reconfirm with me via your blog or via email to ghazalie@gra-pr.com or via my handphone +6012 2121090.
Thank you.
With warmest regards
Ghazalie Abdullah
Public Relations Consultant
for and on behalf of
Mohd Zuhri Abdullah
Managing Director
JomMalaysia (UK) Ltd
sorry I missed up the opportunity to meet with both of you as on that day I was away in Malaysia as my dad was in the hospital and I did open my blog until today.
Another comment : have you guys rectified the opening hours of your resturant, as it was shown your resturant open at 12 am (midnight????) or it should be 12 noon?
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