The football birthday cake was specially order by Kak Niman and Kak Liza and it was a suprised. Sponge cake layer with cream, banana and strawberry. It brought back the memories to Nana, Zafran, Almaz, Taufiq and especially Ashraf (what a noise they made after eating a spoonful of the cake). They used to have it when they were little.

Nana and Martin

Halim, Ashraf & Almaz

Taufiq with his childhood friends - Fauzi, Zafran and Milat

What for dinner? Ikan masak asam pedas, Ayam masak merah, sotong goreng tepung, kangkung masak belacan, terung masak goreng, sambal belacan dan nasi

Taufiq & girlfriend

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