Sunday, 16 November 2008

Busy Saturday

I have tall plan for weekend but unfortunately only 2 that we managed to fulfill. Azrin had tiring week, she been working 7 nights at hospital so I let her sleep and waked her an hour before noon, and, we have surprised visitor, Aimi. For lunch I cooked Curry Laksa. Everybody enjoyed it and it also Aimi favourite.

Curry Laksa

250 gms yellow noodles
4 tbsp oil
3 shallots - sliced
1 cm piece ginger - sliced
1 fresh red red chillies - sliced
150 gms prawns
150 gms squids
100 gms fish cake/ball
100 gms beansprouts
2 tbsps curry powder
4 cups thick coconut milk
salt to taste

1. Scald the noodles in hot water. Drain well and spread 1 tbsp oil evenly into the noodles.
2. Heat 3 tbsps oil and fry shallots and ginger until fragrant. Add in curry powder and fry until fragrant.
3. Add prawns, squid and chillies. Stir fry for 3 minutes.
4. Add coconut milk and bring to boil.
5. Add the fish cake, season to taste. Lastly add the beansprout.
6. To serve, place the noodles into individual bowls and pour over the gravy making sure each bowl will contain the prawn, squid and fish cake.

Honey Cornflakes

As Aimi around, we have extra hand to put Honey Cornflakes into the cups. When everything cooked we have to divided its into 3 potions - 1 for Azrin - Canterbury, Aimi - Reading and me - Longford. While making the cookies, Aimi kept moaning "how aunty Niza managed making honey cornflakes cookies alone" (Aimi did ordered 150 of honey cornflakes for her uni depa-raya night from Aniza) She told us this cookies were hit during that night and everybody included her lecturers love it.

Honey Cornflakes
Source :

500 gm cornflakes
250 gm butter
1 cup brown sugar
10 tbsps honey/golden syrup
Raisin/almond flakes

1. Heat butter and sugar in a big saucepan until it melt then put the honey/golden syrup and mixed it well. Remove from heat.
2. Add the cornflakes, raisin/almond flakes. Make sure everything coated with the syrup.
3. Put 1 tsp of the mixture into small cupcake cases.
4. Baked in preheat oven 140c for 10 minutes.

Sardine Currypuff

To make the sardine filling, Aimi job - peeled onions, garlic, green chillies - chopped and slices. Azrin job - preparing the sardine - takes the sardine from the tins and mash it ( it put her off but when it ready she decided she changed her mind, she love the sardine filling) and cooked the sardine. Both of them help me doing the currypuff. Each of them took some home. BIG NEWS Aimi now know how to fry the currypuff by herself ( she never done it before - if she need anything to fry she will take it to her sister house to cook)

Sardine Filling

3 tins 425g Pilchards in tomato sauce (we use Pilchards because it cheaper than sardine and it taste like sardine) - only sardine and mash it using fork, don't use the sauce
3 onions - sliced
3 clove garlic - chopped
4 green chillies - sliced
3 tbsp oil
2 lime - take juice (1/2 lemon - take juice)
Salt and sugar to taste

1. Heat the oil, fry the onion and garlic until soft.
2. Add the mash sardine and chillies and fry it for 5 minutes.
3. Add in lime juice and season to taste.
4. Make sure this filling properly cool before using it.

For the pastry - you can use ready made pastry or you can visit under karipap pusing

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